Saturday, January 16, 2010

A cowardly act

I received a text from a friend yesterday and it goes something like this:-
"Suan...I'm kinda messed up currently, almost hook up with a girl.. but when she's ready, I feel like I'm not good enough for her. Am I very bad?"
Reading it blew my top and I chided him immediately. Due to current emotional status, its a real bad time to tell me things like this - I'll just spank the person if I could. First of all, yes, its very bad and cruel.

Okay, so this is just another typical scenario thats happening everywhere. Well, it all started off with a guy liking a girl but afraid that she doesn't fancy him the same way. To speed up a little, courtship begins and after awhile the girl fell right through it. While she's waiting for the guy to pop the question, the guy suddenly backs off. SOME guys just enjoy doing this, while SOME probably are afraid of committing in a relationship. Yes, I used the word SOME simply because I know not all guys are the same, and there's no need for me to humiliate the male population.

Sheer nonsense!!

It is not up to you to say/judge whether you are good enough for her or deserve her instead it is a decision by both souls. Maybe you're trying to be macho, wants to make the best decision but mind you, its just a cowardly act. Plus, you'll leave her in misery. Now, tell me how gentleman would it be to create such knotty situation?

**As a matter of fact, I know there are girls who leave guys in misery just like the above situation, but just so you know I don't want to mention it in there because it'll spoil part of my promote NeYo's album here as well. hehe.

Listen to
Year of the gentleman

Be a gentleman and do respect women :)

Ps: This post is written in general and not to insult anyone.


Jaded Mesh said...

I couldn't agree more with you..very true...why the hell he wana woo the girl in the 1st place if he think he is not good enough...?...strange people...why want to give a fake hope...hmmmm...

Yip Seng87 said...

sound familiar ler!!!
Me ar??? :P

suanLin said...

Yip Seng~ I knew it was u.. I thought of it already..but I'm not sure saje.

Yip Seng87 said...

wt talking u??? i dun understand ler!!! wt else u thinking ooo???

suanLin said...

Yip Seng~ LOL.. I'm glad u visit my blog weii..hahaha suddenly only. I was thinking somebody else disturb la. lol..

Mesh~ Unfortunately, we know the person..

Jaded Mesh said...

we know? as in a uthm guy ah? damn..who lah? aku benci org macam ini...

suanLin said...

Mesh~ Not revealing any names.

ng boon kwang said...

let me spank yip seng... PANG!!!

suanLin said...

Boon~ bonggok la u.. Spank not like that one lor.. supposed to be PIAK!!

Yip Seng87 said...

i boom kau berdua!!! kaboom....

suanLin said...

Yip Seng~ Eh jangan suka suka boom boom kat sini...hahahah