Wednesday, November 3, 2010

English an essential tool

Last weekend I attended a Finishing School Program organized by the counselling department. On first thought, the program sounds funny. What could possibly be conveyed in the program? Puzzled and reluctant, we still attended it.

So what we learnt was ... English. The objective was English. Having the courage to speak in English, think in English and the whole 2 days was about English. The best part? we were exposed to the post studies environment - interviews, writing resumes and cover letters etc.

Its fine, I think the program is educational and I appreciate the fact that the university is aware of this issue. But exposing final year students to english now? Gosh, its a little too late. We don't master English overnight and given 6 months to brush up? Possible, if its put into practice every single day, and I think it'll only be good enough for communicating plus a good, simple writing.

They could have done better, if they want their students to master English. We could learn better if certain systems in the varsity is implemented with English and English only. A two day course like that is not sufficient, people will forget! Let alone when being forced. Learning language has got to be on constant basis.

Ps: It applies to all language and its sad to say that we, Malaysian students are still behind time.


Zac said...

yeah,totally agree with you...wanna learn zheng zhong English from you.Must always Msn with you...haha

Cnigel said...

ive a brilliant way to learn english in overnight.

SLEEP on your english text book!!

suanLin said...

Jack Kee~ what are u talking about? lol.. zheng zhong english.. english u're speaking not zheng zhong ar? haha..

Cnigel~ Well,u've tried it? hehee

Anonymous said...

Lol, tell me about it. Did I tell you that I was made to write one of my courses assignments in BM at Masters level? University's policy, my ass.

Such policies don't even exist yet it's allowed. Tell me, and they complain that Malaysian students can't speak proper English. Of course they can't, it is an option to not learn it properly. Then they have courses like that, thinking that English is a pill you take and let it digest into your system.

suanLin said...

haha Sis, thats your master's assignment.. Imagine our FYP report. It is supposed to be written in BM and we have to apply and attach our MUET results to write the final report in English! haha.. It is so ridiculous.

I thought it is supposed to be the other way around, that it should be written in BM and if your English is not good, you get permission to write in BM. Omg..

Serena said...

Oh well, that's the way it is. Sometimes you just wonder why, but there's really no proper answers to it.