Saturday, February 6, 2010

O' Hail Redang.

I'm kinda bored now, just killing my this is a lil' random but it'll trigger some memories to some of you. hehe.

Shu yi was telling me bout his sunburn marks after his site visit. He was complaining the pain and all while I was laughing at him.. Then I showed him a sunburn picture....yea back to Redang trip where Ernest and Yip Seng had quite terrible sunburn. I wonder why we didn't take the picture of both of them, or, its missing somewhere. Anyway, so this is it...

almost ripe tomato..haha

Yip seng says get more suntan..!! hahaha.. Sorry Yip Seng. I suddenly thought of this. Its just, you're so funny, always coming up with amusing words. No offence! =)

I came across this picture yesterday while I was searching for more sunburn pictures. I like this one here, one of the best picture we took during that trip. Everyone looked so good and it was a great trip after all. I haven't seen some of them for ages though..


Oh and this interesting picture here, is Jaseline's t-shirt.

Where are you, Jaseline?haha

It's been a long time since I've seen some of them but we still keep in touch. For Jaseline, she's totally MIA-ed...I haven't heard about her, hmm I guess probably she's busy with her law stuff and clubbing maybe? =P

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