Monday, March 15, 2010

Cho0Ose 1!!

I have 5 days to decide...either



Robotics & Automation

I'm not only considering about my interest but also the market demands, practicality, some pros & cons and a lil' gender discriminations in certain fields [yeah, it does happen in the engineering world, thats the truth]. Hmm, maybe I don't need to think much about it, because in the end of the day both fields will end up in the production/designing sector. Somehow or rather I'm torn between 2..hmm

If you have some opinions, no hesitations please, do enlighten me =)


Cnigel said...

wow....both subjects look hard*pening kepala*

suanLin said...

erm...haha actually communication will be tougher. Hear say la. I dunno till which tahap.. =)