Sunday, April 4, 2010


I cannot stay put in this place for more than 3 weeks, I'll miss home terribly and thats what I'm feeling the whole week. I know why Cyn wants to go home some much. I feel you today. No worries, you'll be home soon for good.

**How I wish the April fool prank I played wasn't a prank and I really could drop by there.


Unknown said...

Havent talked to you for soooo long, have been busy and all. How are you? What prank? Nvm, i'll call u after the 8th, after my never-ending exams.. Till then, take care!!! Love u la. Muacks xxx

suanLin said...

hey.. so sorry..been busy the whole weeek..Well, I'm fine thanx..and I'll tell u when we talk yea.. Call me when u're free..
Hugss..Love u too!!