Monday, July 26, 2010

A Garden View Deluxe

The title sounds nice, not the content.

All my 3 years, I've never faced any problems with my roomies. I dare say it was heaven living with Joo, Tai, Ye-Ne and Rachel. At least we all have the basic manners - switching off the main lights when others are sleeping, keeping our voices down, putting our phones into silent mode etc etc.. Hence, we lived very peacefully.

Little would I expect to meet a whole new bunch of roomies on a crucial semester and really, they're hmm...inconsiderate. It is a total opposite. Maybe because they're younger? Thats a lame excuse, I tell you. The beginning of the semester is the best time to have great sleep, I usually hit the bed by midnight but haha I guess not this time. Two weeks into the semester and I've never slept well yet. Luckily I have quite a flexible timetable, I could slee.p more in the day but thats just not my best way out.


Plus, the horrifying room location. The presence of slimy creatures off and on - outside, in the toilet..its freaking me out. Having impolite services from the hostel officers..I just hate them. Being sarcastic when you're just a hostel staff.. Hey, you people should think twice.

Ps: I think I'll fail my not-going-back-every-other-weekend plan. I'm depressed.


Jaded Mesh said...

hahah, back la every week....who is your new roomies btw...try to get along la this final year....

RachelYW said...

same case here ... although,da toilet is better then u...but...but...da basic manners...T.T

suanLin said...

Its not getting along problem laa okie..Its the consideration u have towards other ppl when u stay with ppl other than your family. BASics.

Jaded Mesh said...

marah sy ke nie? :(
change the room loh...or better move out...

suanLin said...

I wish to shift my room but u know how TF officers work here. The like to scold people and very unhelpful..